Freddie's Buttons

“The buttons are a shorthand for the issues that Chicanos supported or fought against during the early movement years,” said Trujillo. “They were the Twitter feed of the 1970s.”
“I think my buttons represent the change that Chicanos want in our way of life,” said Trujillo. “I don't want our Chicano history to disappear. And the buttons are an important part of that.”
The use of buttons to draw attention to political issues goes back to the George Washington era and were used as political advertising. Because of the grassroots nature of the Chicano Movement, low-cost buttons allowed a slogan to be distributed to a mass audience, usually as part of an education campaign.
Trujillo’s buttons are part of History Colorado’s El Movimiento: the Chicano Movement in Colorado and Pueblo exhibit at El Pueblo History Museum open 10-4 pm daily. Posters are available at the museum bookstore or through the publisher Vanishing Horizons by calling 719-561-0993.
Video Interviews: Check Out an Interview with Freddy